The Benefits of Using Route Planning Software

Route Planning Software

In the logistics industry, every day is about time and money, with cargo quickly moving in and out along the supply chain. There is no room for error, especially with intermodal drayage, when over the road truck drivers need to plan the best possible routes to reach their destinations in a timely manner. That’s where route planning software comes in handy, not only helping to organize with less stress, but can also help to reduce fuel consumption and overtime costs by suggesting efficient routes and balanced schedules. Here are 3 more benefits to consider…

Planning is the key to business efficiency

It goes without saying that when you plan, there’s less cause for error and stress. When on the job, truck drivers have certain tasks to complete, with time being a major factor. Route planning software allows fleet managers to allocate daily tasks to drivers easily, picking routes that correspond with specific time demands while also supplying drivers with helpful GPS capabilities, such as turn-by-turn navigation and traffic updates.

Ease of management

Fleet managers have a lot on their plate when it comes to ensuring the supply chain runs smoothly day in and day out. It can be a handful to properly monitor deliveries on the road, and that’s where route planning software can give peace of mind. It allows managers to keep tabs on where drivers are at all times, and instant alerts are sent if a truck veers off the planned route. Delays and other issues can be addressed immediately and most importantly- customers are kept smiling with timely deliveries.

Avoid problems on the road

Another awesome benefit of route planning software is the ability to get real-time information to avoid problems while on the road. Inclement weather? Traffic accident? Difficult turns or roadblocks? With route planning, drivers can have multiple route destinations to choose from instantly, which take these factors into consideration and promptly avoids them.


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